Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The G20 fall out

I'm reluctant to even talk about this as I'm sure you are as fed up with the whole thing as I am. But, I think it is important to speak up for our police and the way they handled a very difficult task.

It is amazing to me how ignorant and disrespectful some people are towards anything that does not fit into their very narrow and unrealistic view of the life and the world. The pictures that I saw of people scraming at police, throwing things at them and causing all kinds of damage to other peoples property was incredible.

How were these people raised? If I was one of their parents I would be so disappointed. But then, maybe that's what the parents were like.

This goes way beyond the G20 though. The general diregard and direspect for others is way to high in todays society. Road rage, lack of courtesy, bad cel phone manners - need I go on? Is there a solution or are we stuck with an age of disrespect? I sure hope not.

Anyway, the police have my support and respect in this situation. They may not have been perfect, but I don't think I would have had the patience that they showed.

Enough of my rant for today. Enjoy life and good luck out there.

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